Current Leader of Atal Peetha
The SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Recognized as Incarnation and Declared Atal Akhada’s Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar

5th Nov, 2013: The SPH coronated as the Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar of Kailaasa Paramparagatha Atal Peetha Sarvajnapeetham
On November 6, 2013 The SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam was nominated and declared by the Atal Akhada Peethadheeshwar (the current senior most religious king), Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar Swami Sukhdevanandji as his successor and legal inheritor of the Atal Peetha namely the Kailaasa Paramparagatha Atal Peetha Sarvajnapeetham. As the Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar of the Sri Panchayati Atal Akhada, The SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam assumed the most prestigious and honored role holding the responsibility, governing power and all customary rights when Swami Sukhdevanandji attained liberation in October 2018. Sri Panchayati Atal Akhada is the most ancient spiritual kingdom of India with its capital city in Multan in present day Pakistan. The base or the main branch of Atal Akhada is at Kutwapara Shakh Hanuman, Varanasi, with vast branches in the holy cities such as Haridwar and Nasik, North.
As the current Atal Akhada Ācārya Peethadeeshwar, The SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam inherits the vast responsibility to govern this spiritual kingdom of India.

5th Nov, 2013: The SPH with preceding Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar of Atal Peetha – Swami Sukhdevanandji
Swami Sukhdevanandji – Predecessor of The SPH as Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar of Atal Akhada
Swami Shukdevanand ji was born in a Brahmin Family in the district of Jahanabad, in the state of Bihar in India, in 1940. Swami Shukdevanand was the Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar of the Atal Akhada as well as a Mahāmanḍaleśvar of the Mahanirvani Akhada. (Ref.:

Swami Sukhdevanandaji, Preceding āCāRya MahāManḍAleśVar of Atal Akhada and MahāManḍAleśVar of Mahanirvani Akhada
The Official Declaration as āCāRya MahāManḍAleśVar (Senior Most Spiritual Kingship)
The historical occasion when revered Swami Sri Sukhdevanandji declared and officially announced The SPH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam as his legal successor and inheritor of the Atal kingdom as Peethadhīshwar Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar (senior most spiritual kingship) of Śri Pañcāyati Atal Akhāḍa. Swami Sri Sukhdevanandji also categorically recognized the divinity and extraordinary socio-religious and spiritual achievements of The SPH marking him as the most suitable heir to the vast kingdom of India of the ancient religious empire under which come millions of monks and citizens.

Excerpts of Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar Sukhadevanandji Speech (translation from Hindi)
“Worthy of supreme reverence. Worthy of remembering at dawn. Mahāmanḍaleśvar Sri Nithyananda ji Maharaj and other revered respective head of mandalas present here.
Today, I was supremely delighted to have attended the grand celebration of the welfare and spiritual birth of infinite jīvas.
Śri Nithyananda Mahāraj, whom we highly revere, blessed is the mother who has given birth to the great being, blessed is that father, and land which has given birth to such divine beings.
They are all incarnations. This is Avatāran (descent of the divine being), not birth.
Taking human body such distinct divine personalities manifest themselves in this world. Some people at that time don’t cognize them. Because we are idol worshipers, only later we worship them as idols by calling them God.
I am coming here for the second time, at this place, this special place, this divine action field of yours, where I am seeing so many people, coming from their houses, on the grand celebration of your birthday, bearing so many hardships, walking for 15 -15 days, it amazes me. I have seen people going to Sabarimala and at many other places, but here too, I see them coming in a procession, blowing trumpets, beating drums, singing songs, doing kirtans. It makes me very happy. It is not a simple act. Some people writhe in pain seeing this. But I feel only happiness. It is that distinct supreme lord, which incarnates, manifests Himself in infinite forms for the betterment of this world.
It is a divine play. They do such leelas in many forms. Sometimes in the form of a Guru, sometimes as a dear friend, sometimes as a brother.
The Holiest being who is present here has come from in your midst. Lotus sprouts from the mud only. But there no stench of the mud, what it has is the divine beauty and smell.
So today, what I had today is the direct darshan of Satyam (eternal Truth), Śivam (Eternal auspiciousness) and Sundaram (eternal joy).
Secondly, and it gives me great happiness to say this, I am the Atal Peethadheeshwar, and even if it is possibly in the womb of the future, but I announce that in the near future, Swami Nithyananda ji will be felicitated as the Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar of Atal Peetha.”