Divine Lineage of Atal Peetha
The Daiva Parampara (Tradition)
Incarnations In The Lineage Of Atal Peetha
The Presiding Deity, coronated by Paramaśiva For the Atal Peetha.
2. ŚRĪ ĀDI SHANKARA (reviver)
The unbroken lineage of Mahāmanḍaleśvars (religious leaders)
3. The SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
Atal Peethadheeshwar Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar Reviving the great kingdom as the current successor king
Paramaśiva, the Cosmic Source and ultimate Divinity, started the lineage of Akhāḍās with the ascetic warriors (Nāgā Sādhus) along with His direct disciples and descendants – called the Paramaśiva Ganas. ( https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/paramashiva;)
It is from Bhagavan Sri Paramaśiva, the Primordial Source, came forth the most ancient living lineage of ĀdiŚaiva traditions and sanyas (monkhood) called ‘Akhāḍās’ of ascetic warriors who defend the land and Dharma (the Cosmic law). Paramaśiva came down to the sacred city of Varanasi in North India with his empowered direct disciples (Śiva ganas) and sons Śrī Kumara and Śrī Gaṇeśa (king of Gaṇas, followers of Paramaśiva) and established the eternal unbroken spiritual flow of ascetics, forming the first Akhāḍā.

A portrayal of the incident of Sati’s insult and self-immolation at her father Daksha’s court.
The Original Akhāḍā Structure – Kailaasa established by Paramasiva
Daksha, Son of Lord Brahma was called Daksha Prajapati as he functioned as the President of humanity during his times. He delivered the Daksha Smṛti – The Do’s and Dont’s – for Humanity. He organised a massive Yaga (sacrificial fire) for which he deliberately avoided calling his daughter Sati and Her Divine Consort Paramaśiva Himself. When Sati, pulled by parental bonding, went by herself to the Yaga, Daksha further insulted her in front of the entire gathering. Sati unable to withstand the insult of her own father, self-immolated herself in the sacrificial fire. News reached Paramaśiva, who invoked Vīrabhadra to slay Daksha’s head.
Daksha fell low in the eyes of all after this incident. The Sapta Rishis (seven enlightened beings who are revered as patriarchs of Hinduism from yore) refused to henceforth follow Daksha Smṛti as they saw that Daksha was no more integrated to Paramaśiva, (Primordial Hindu Divinity). They requested Paramaśiva to reveal the guidelines yet again to them so they can follow. The sacred spot where Paramaśiva revealed the Agamas to them, is the Daksheshwar temple of Mayapur in Haridwar, where the Mahanirvani Peetha is headquartered. Even from during the times of Daksha, this temple was the headquarters of the Peetha.
After revealing the Agamas, Paramaśiva appointed Sage Kapila as the Head of the Mahanirvani Peetha, thus establishing the enlightenment ecosystem – Kailaasa Paramparagatha Mahanirvani Peetha Sarvajnapeetham.
Thus, Paramaśiva, the ultimate Divinity, having the Supreme Sovereignty of his cosmic kingdom, institutionalized the constitution, administration and protection for the enlightenment ecosystem on the planet by establishing the ‘Akhāḍās’ (traditions within Hinduism) with His direct disciples and descendants called the Paramaśiva Gaṇas and warrior ascetics (Nāgās) from Varanasi, the most ancient living city of earth. Under His divine ordainment, the enlightenment ecosystem with spiritual, religious, historical, political, economic and social legitimacy was formally established. (Ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhara).
One of the main responsibilities of the Akhāḍās is teaching and transmitting the great teachings of Shāstras (revealed scriptures from Paramaśiva). Thus the ascetic monks (Nāgās) are called Shāstradharis (Shāstra – the scriptures; dharis – bearers) in Sanskrit. They also use Śastra (weapons) to protect the sacred traditions from external negative forces. Wielding of both Śāstra and Śastra – knowledge of scriptures and weapon – within the scope of the Dharma (Cosmic Law) is the main responsibility of the Akhāḍās.